Background: Hepatitis B Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent
transmission of hepatitis B virus (HBV).
Objective: to detect the long-term immunogenicity of the vaccine in Egyptian
children after five and ten years of vaccination.
Methods: Two hundreds healthy children were recruited. They were divided
into two groups according to their age. Group A included 100 child, around
6 years old, vaccinated 5 years ago. Group `B` included 100 child, around
11 years old, vaccinated 10 years ago. Hepatitis B surface antibody
(HBsAb) titre was tested, booster dose of the vaccine was given to children
whose HBsAb was < 10 mIU/ml, then one and half month later, they were
retested for HBsAb to evaluate the response.
Results: Both groups had a wide range of HBsAb (2-1000 mlU/ml), and
there was a significant difference in the level of the two groups. Our data
proves the decline of antibody titre with time. In group A, 19 children
needed a booster dose, 14 of them were vaccinated, and 10 were retested
after one and half month. The results showed that 9 (90%) responded by
increased level of HBsAb, with six (66.6%) showing an adequate response.
In group B, 52 children had antibody titre < 10, 48 of them were vaccinated
and 34 were retested one and half months later. Two out of the 34 did not
respond and 32 (94.2%) responded by an increase in the antibody titre. Of
those who responded, 19 had adequate response (HBsAb ? 100) and 13 had
hypo-response (HBsAb = 10 -100). Eighty percent (80%) of boys versus
51.7% of girls responded adequately.
Conclusion: Hepatitis B vaccine is an effective and successful way for
preventing HBV infection. No need for booster dose at least for 5 years after
vaccination . |